
Naked By New Year: Exercise

What's this talk about being naked... well, let me explain! I have taken on a challenge, one that will test me both mentally and physically.  It is a 90 Day Challenge, meaning I will finish up right around the New Year.  What's the challenge you ask; getting in the best shape of my life! What is it that you'd desire to achieve if you were to give yourself 90 days of complete discipline?  For me, I want.... no, I will have a tight and toned body.  This requires fitness and nutrition, but I am going to talk exercise for now.

Usually we wait until Dec. 31st to give ourselves New Year resolutions, but I ask, why wait?  Why not start now if it is something you truly say you're going to do.  Did you know that over 85% of people who purchase gym memberships for the new year stop going before the month of February has ended?  That is less than 8 weeks, which leads me to believe we only make these resolutions because they sound good, not because we truly believe them or plan to accomplish them.  So how  will I get to my goal and how I can help you break some barriers to get you to yours? To understand this let me share something that will resonate with most of you, my past journey.

First, my mental challenge, mindset.  For years, I never had to obsess about fad diets or serious workout regimens. I'm referring to my high school and college years.  A lot of my ability to maintain my "look" has been a blessing (genetics) and a bit of clean eating, but definitely nothing I had to work for.  Whenever I'd see myself picking up a little weight, I'd do a quick juice fast for a couple days or my version of "killing it" in the gym for a week and viola, I was better.. keyword: better, but not my BEST! My mindset would allow me to believe it was hard to consistently workout.  I believed it to be a task to pull out my workout gear, lace up my sneakers, and head to the gym or at least that was my excuse. But here's the thing, if we want to be our best, we have to start with our beliefs.  What I learned was that I can have anything I want and desire.  A kick-ass body is merely effort combined with consitency and who better to whip herself into shape than the girl (me) that preaches this mindset to anyone who will listen?!

My physical challenges, on the other hand, started at home.  Laziness.  Once I'd get up the courage and energy to get to the gym, walk into the gym, and find a machine to burn calories on, I'd feel a huge sense of accomplishment... and it is.  Getting to the gym is a great hurdle to get over for a lot of us, but that is only the beginning.  I'm not sure I realized that before.  I believe that I allowed myself to exert minimal effort.  Why?  Because "I came to the gym right?!  And that trickle of sweat that just rolled over my eye has validated me, I can go home now!  I got it in!" Wrong!  Please don't think like this because much like me, you will get nowhere fast. If you make the effort to go, make the effort to grind.  

Remember, it starts in your mind, so believe you can do it and absolutely, you will!

So why am I sharing this?  Well, I want to be held accountable to more than myself this time around, something I have never done before.  But, I am also sharing this because I challenge you to join me.  Start now and give yourself 90 days! Let's be #NakedbyNewYear

P.S. If you are in the Los Angeles area and want to workout with me, shoot me a message through Facebook, Heather Graves! <-- click="" i="" there="">

1 reactions:

Kent Sommer said...

Epistane has definitely helped me get towards a more healthy lifestyle. And a few sites out there really have the best prices and quality products.

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