
Naked by New Year: Nutrition

When we think about getting shape, we usually turn to our workout regimen and think that the lack of physical activity is the culprit.  While this is a contributing factor, exercise alone accounts for about 20% of your desired outcome, be it bulking up, losing weight, or toning.  The other 80% is nutrition.  Let me walk you through a day of my meals so that you can get a better grasp of the types of means you should be eating to lean out and build muscle.

When I wake up in the morning, I start my day with a Herbalife Shake.  I choose the shakes because I am a person that never prepared breakfast in the morning and skipped having a meal of any sort until lunchtime.  I can probably attribute it to being lazy and not feeling like preparing a meal before I start my day.  Instead I'd grab coffee and off I went.  However, now that I consume the shakes as my breakfast, it is fast and convenient and gives me all the vital nutrients I need in terms of proteins and proper caloric intake.

Approximately 2-3 hours after I have breakfast, I will typically prepare two boiled eggs or I will make a simple spinach and eggs scramble.  To make this meal, scramble your eggs as usual and add spinach.  You can add as much or as little as you like and you can use fresh or frozen spinach (I personally prefer the fresh spinach, but either is fine).  If you are feeling extra fancy, chop some onions and bell peppers to stir into the eggs.  It is all up to you and how fast and easy you want it to be.

A couple hours after that, I will have another shake, followed by a small snack like almonds.  Greek yogurt, a KIND bar, edamame, hummus are all good snacks too and packed with protein.

For dinner, I enjoy quinoa with most meals.  It is high in protien and easy to make.  About 50% of my plate are covered in green veggies, like spinach, kale, or brocolli.  The other 50% is split between the quinoa and chicken, fish or beef.  Now this may sound boring, but this is when getting creative with herbs and spices come into play. If you check out my Facebook post, you can see how I use a cilantro marinade to smother my chicken and fish dishes.  Onions and bell peppers are also great to add some color and flavor.  I recommend trying some varied options and see what is easiest and tastiest for your palate.

Continue to follow me on Facebook and Instagram @askheatherg for more motivation and tips.  Post your progress with the hashtag #nakedbynewyear

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