
On the Go: Four Easy Ways to Get Healthy

There are hundreds of fad diets, lotions, potions, and magic pills on the market; but they rarely work and if they do it is temporarily.  Why? Because these remedies are only a temporary change in your lifestyle and daily habits so naturally you are bound to go back to the way things were (i.e. your habits).  Remember it takes 21 days to break a habit so a diet or beauty trend is not a long term solution. 

I have been on a health kick (the simplest form of healthiness if there is such a thing) for a long time, but living in Cali has definitely made me even more conscience.  Everything in life is about balance. I eat some of the things I want, but I balance that by doing other things like the ones I will outline in this blog.  I am not a strong believer "going cold turkey" with anything, I believe in gradual steps.  For me, it is the only way to make a permanent change in your health/ beauty regimen.  So hear me out; here are some ways to help cleanse your body, rid it of nasty toxins, lose a little weight, and make your skin glow in the process:

1.  Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother (ACV)- There are so many uses for Apple Cider Vinegar.  I drink a lot of water everyday, but my first glass of water usually starts with a tablespoon of ACV.  If it is too bitter for you, add a tsp of raw honey and that will sweeten it up a bit.  What this does is curb your appetite, regulate the pH in your body so that you are not so acidic, and boosts your energy, which for some leads to weight loss.
I also use ACV as facial toner and sometimes use it in my hair as a clarifying agent when I feel I have too much buildup on my scalp.  To do the toner and clarifying agent for hair, simply pour equal parts ACV and distilled water in a spray bottle then use.  The smell is intense, but it clears after 10 mins.
P.S.  The mother in ACV are the brownish particles floating in the bottom of the bottle.  I suggest Bragg's or Whole Foods brand.
2.  Gradually Eliminate Sugar from your Diet-  Some of you are hooked on sugar and do not even know it.  Eliminating it is not as harsh as you may think.  Again, this is DEFINITELY something you should do gradually, otherwise you will experience withdrawals and they can be killer. 
Here is an example of how to cut back.  Say you drink coffee like I do;  try not adding sugar and only using the creamer as your sweetener.  If you use a lot of sugar in your coffee, first cut the dose in half and gradually ween off of it.  It will be something you are not used to at first, but give it a few days.  In my experience, it takes about 2-5 days to acquire the taste for less sweets.
3.  Coconut Oil- The changes you notice in your body will not only be internal, you can do things externally to change the appearance of your skin too.  I swear by Coconut Oil.  Read my previous entry The Miracle Oil to get full details on uses for Coconut Oil.
4.   Epsom Salt Baths- Epsom Salt is seriously inexpensive and an excellent way to clear toxins from your body.  We dump up to a pound, that's right, a whole pound of dead skin cells and other toxins through our skin on a daily bases.  Epsom Salt aka magnesium sulfate helps in purifying and detoxifying your body of heavy metals. 
Pour two cups of Epsom Salt in a bath and fill the tub with very warm water.  Relax for at least 20 mins and you will see the water begin to turn a murky color.  That is the metals and other junk being released from your skin and body.  I always soak for 30 mins and then shower to wash off any excess toxins that may be settled on my skin.
 I hope this helps and it is extremely easy to make these small changes.  We all have to start somewhere.

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