
Grabbing Life By the Balls

When I set out to write this blog some years ago, I did not imagine it being such a huge window into my personal life.  However, now that you are here (and I love you being here), I realize we are human beings and we have similar experiences in life be it emotionally, financially, physically, or mentally. So I decided, if there is something I can do to help through my story, experiences or simply by being an inspiration, I am beyond happy to do so... which leads me to this post.

Less than 2 weeks ago, I upped and moved to the Golden State, California.  It has been something I wanted to do since I was 18 and I've finally done it.  Once I actually got here, I started wondering why it took me so long to do it in the first place, but there was really no good reason.  I suppose I was scared or comfortable at home, or plain lazy because I knew it would mean a shift in what I was used to.  But ultimately, I made the change and decided that I only have one life to live and I want it to be as beautiful as a sunrise in Bali (my fantasy destination).

I'm on a journey guys!  One that is introducing me to new people, new opportunities and a whirlwind of other things.  I could not be more anxious than I am in this very moment, but the idea of the unknown is exhilarating to me.  I decided to take life and grab it by the balls.  One month ago I was sitting behind the desk of my family's business wondering what the heck I was doing there.. in my mind I kept reasoning, "Heather, this is an excellent opportunity, you can take this company and grow it.. you will be very comfortable in a couple of years and despite the cold weather and low energy of this town, you can travel on the weekends to get away."  Yes, that was the lies I was feeding myself.  Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying that working a traditional business and traveling on weekends is bad IF that is what truly makes you happy.  However, I knew I wanted something different.  I was not made to be that woman.

I am meant to inspire, to transform and conquer.

So here I am.  I hope you can join me on this journey.  Your life changes may not be to move across country, maybe your changes are advancing at work or moving into a better home.  Whatever it is, do it.  Think it out, write it down, and do everything in your power to make it happen.  You do not have to know exactly how it will happen as long as you begin to take steps towards your dream. It is worth it, I promise.

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