
Evenings with Him: That Little Voice Inside My Head

Since moving to California I have made acquaintances with several amazing people that I never imagined would play such a pivotal role in my life.  One very honest encounter has been with a man, somewhat my elder, very attractive and physically fit, outspoken (to say the least), but most impressive, his wealth of wisdom.  Every time we speak, I feel as though I have just had a session in Oprah's Life Class.  His wisdom is beyond anything I have ever known and I feel privileged to have dialogue with such a master of mind.  Moreover, the opportunity to pass these lessons along to you.

Yesterday, we spoke about the little voice inside of our head.  That voice you hear that sometimes won't shut up... you know the one... if you're thinking you have no idea what I am talking about right now, well, that's the voice!  That voice is powerful.  In fact, it is the single most influential dialogue amongst yourself that has gotten you right where you are today, good or bad.  Now I must admit, I wasn't completely sold when he told me this, but come to think of it... he is exactly right.  Although my life has been exciting and has had wonderful moments in it, it is not the abundant and fulfilling life I have dreamt of, not yet anyway.

You see, our imagination takes us on a journey, but our voice tells us that it is only a fantasy.  Our little voice tells us to play it safe and places us in meritocracy, you know that space, the "good enough" zone.  For example, when we think of going to workout we say, "another day, as long as my jeans still zip, I'm good" or "I just got these Spanx to hold this stuff in place."  When we think of changing careers we say, "I can't stand this job, they don't pay me enough, but I'm going to stay because I'm due for a lil' raise in two months."  Yes, while these are excuses and quite frankly, laziness, it is that mentality that comes from the voice that has been playing in our head from childhood.  Believe it or not, that same voice is a product of how we were raised.  Our parents meant no harm, they were doing the best they could for what they knew; but little did they know, most of them helped place those limiting thoughts in our head, which was replayed over and over turning the thoughts into beliefs and as adults, turning the beliefs into pieces of our life. 

Here's what I know, we have to crush those thoughts and kill our old beliefs.  Emerge as a new and restored being and begin to take control of you inner voice instead of allowing your inner voice to dictate your life.  It takes practice, lots of it, but it can be done.  Once you start talking positively and affirming what you tell yourself, you will see a positive shift in the people and things that are placed in your life.  I believe that's why "he" is here.  He was placed here to help me move past the obstacles that I have placed in my own way.  I hope I can help you do the same.

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