
How To Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days

I know you are wondering if the title of this post is true, and yes, it is very true! You can actually lose 10 whole pounds in 10 short days!! I am not about to sell you on the latest diet food or tell you to run 50 miles across the state of Illinois. Without killing yourself, there is quite a simple way to start shedding those unwanted pounds- and fast.

Lately, I have been on this journey to use as many healthy alternatives in my daily routine. As a result, I have noticed the side effects of some of them and I want to share them with you.

Tip #1:
This should be a no-brainer, but the more I preach this, the less people listen. Drink plenty of water! My rule of thumb is approximately 3 liters. Here's what you do. At night, before you lie down, make sure you have a bottle of water beside the bed. When you wake up, before you brush you teeth and wash your face, make sure you drink that bottle of water. It should at least be a half liter. Then throughout the day, intake the other 2.5 liters of water. One way you can do this is by drinking a glass of water before each meal, which will make you fuller and as a result, you will take in less food. The reason water is so helpful is because it gets your bowels moving and does not allow the gunk to sit on your stomach.

For an extra boost, I recommend dropping 1 to 2 tablespoons of Bragg's Organic Apple Cider Vinegar into 8 to 16 oz. of water. It helps rid toxins, regulate you pH and gives a jolt of energy.

Tip #2:
Exercise. Now I know I promised I would not have you running a marathon, but... you do need some exercise. You can do this by taking the stairs at work, doing jumping jacks while your favorite TV show is on, or even going to the gym for 45 mins to "sweat it out." These are minor adjustments, but extremely doable. If you are serious about dumping these pounds fast, you need to get your body moving.

Tip #3:
Eat more meals, smaller portions. We have all heard this before, but yet we ignore the benefits of actually implementing it into our daily practice. As I said in tip #1, drink a glass of water before each meal. Once you do that, you will be less likely to want to stuff yourself so much, which is perfect since you should only be eating half of what most American's ingest in a single meal anyway. Eat smaller meals and snack on nuts, raisins, and organic juices between meals. You should be eating about 6 times a day (meals plus snacks). Trust me, this works and you will not have that urge to eat a cow by the time you get home from work.

Again, these are tips for losing 10 pounds in 10 days, so I must share this tip/ trick with you. It is not permanent, but it will help you obtain that weight loss goal for that pool party you want to go to, or wedding dress you need to squeeze into. Years ago when I modeled I had tricks I'd use to make sure my stomach looked amazing in photos. One of those tricks was the use of Preparation H and Saran Wrap. I'd slather the Preparation all over my belly and use the wrap to seal it in. I know that sounds funny, but because Preparation H is used to shrink hemorrhoids (fat), I knew it would do the same on my waistline. Read my previous post to see how this is done!

Hope these tips get you on the right path to weight loss. Spring and Summer is right around the corner, let's start now!

1 reactions:

CertainlyUncertainMommyRX said...

Hey Heather! Do you have some examples of what small meals to eat for 6 times a day? In addition do you do the Saran Wrap trick on the last day? Or like every night of the 10 days?

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