
Boobs in the Workplace

Howdy Workforce!!!

As I strolled into my first event of the day I glanced at myself through the crystal clear glass window pane only to see my busty reflection staring back at me. "Thank goodness for cardigans," I thought as I buttoned my blue sweater and double wrapped my scarf. I am not ashamed of my boobs, but it got me thinking, "how much "boobage" is too much for the workplace?"

I am certainly not the last say in dress codes, but is it appropriate to put your "puppies" on display when brokering deals and rubbing elbows with other execs? Some would consider it an advantage, "why wouldn't you use them to your avail." While others may consider them a distraction. I must say that I am a little self conscience about people first sizing me up on my assets alone (no pun intended). It's like your beauty far exceeds your brain, and that bothers me because I have worked hard to start my company and maintain a favorable reputation, but is it silly of me not to use what I was given? After all, sex sells right?

Think about it, we manicure our nails and damn near iron our panties to get a job in the first place, why not use a little extra incentive. Obviously, this is odd coming from someone who just confessed she was self conscience, but when I take the time to think about it, I can see why women showcase their lovely lady lumps. I must admit... I think boobs win! However, it doesn't mean that we have to show them spilling out of our Ann Taylor pant suits, be tasteful. Simply think of your boobs as a metaphor... always have them on display, but always keep them classy. I know many women who are both gorgeous and intelligent... guess what, they choose to allow their beauty/ boobies to get them through the door. At the end of the day, they will get you the job, BUT it is ONLY your beautiful classy mind that will keep you there!

Play the game, but do it right!

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